My identity are:
Complete Name:
Amrul Khairullah, S.T., A.Md.
Call Name:
Amroel or Roel {joam} {JacK}
My Jobs Experience are:
  • Computer Instructor for Under DOS Software on Junior High School (1994-1996) at Yogyakarta
  • Computer Instructor for Under DOS Software on LPKP AMIK-ASTER (1995-1996)
  • Computer Instructor to dBase III+, WordStar and Lotus 123 on LPK Saint Monique (1995-1996)
  • Employer on STiE YKPN School of Business (1996 - to day)
  • Computer Instructor for MS-Windows and MS-Office (1998- 2001)
My Certificates are:
  • Visual Basic 6.0 Fundamental and Expert by INIXINO (1998)
  • SQL Server Fundamental by INIXINDO
  • Pelatihan program Perpustakaan dengan Visual FoxPro by UKDW University
  • Employer on STiE YKPN School of Business (1996 - to day)
  • Computer Instructor for MS-Windows and MS-Office (1998- 2001)
My Brother & Sister
  1. Zam Zam Delela, married with Ariesmental (have 3 doughter and son)
  2. Syaiful Anwar, as a Bung Hatta student for Engeneering Mayor (1997)
  3. Zainul Bakri, as a Jakarta University student for Archy Mayor (2000)
My Educations:
  • Elementary School: SDN Papanggo 01 Pagi Jakarta (1984)
  • Junior High School: 30th Junior High School Jakarta (1984-1987
  • Senior High School: 15th Senior High School Jakarta (1987-1990)

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